I Heard Someone Called My Name !!!!

Its been a long long time Mikey hasn't been jumping in his page..
Well he did been jumping elsewhere..

IA Maths..
IA Econs..
EE English..

These are the jump factor.. + 5 minute oral..
Its just him and his classmate 'must'

Teacher : Izwan why are you not been seing me for long time, I want to know your EE progress
Mikey : (smiling..well he also do) Hee..sorry teacher, you know KMBians are busy with maths IA..well I'm a KMBian..(again smiling)
Teacher : Yea..I know..so when are you going to see me
Mikey : What about after class??..I want to do my 5 minute oral too
Teacher : Yeah..sure

After Class, to be exact when EE consultation and the oral stuff done..

Teacher : Mind doing me a favour??
Mikey : No
Teacher : Could you please help me with those boxes, I only got 2 hand
Mikey : Sure

(Out of sudden, he saw something)

Mikey : Are these cookies yours??, because my friend told me there is Miss Asyikin selling cookies..delicious one
Teacher : Yeah, that's me, hey wait a minute who's your friend??..I never sold any cookie to my student


Mikey : Err..__________(dialogue have to be censored)

Someone: I heard someone called my name !!!!


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